
thx is configured exclusively in your project’s pyproject.toml, with a limited set of command-line options.

Command Line

Most thx commands follow this basic pattern:

$ thx [FLAGS] [<JOB> ...]

thx will run any jobs requested (or the default jobs if none given), in the order requested, including any other jobs required by the requested jobs.


thx also includes two basic commands for convenience:


Lists all configured jobs, their dependencies, and the steps that will be executed if those jobs are run.


Deletes existing thx-managed virtual environments.


The following flags and options are supported when running jobs:


Equivalent to running the clean command.


Enable debug logging output.


Disable the configured python_versions matrix, and run requested jobs against the live Python runtime that thx is using.

--python VERSION | --py VERSION

Disable the configured python_versions matrix, and run requested jobs against the specified Python version (if available).

--watch | -w

Enable Watch Mode. thx will watch for modifications to files in configured watch_paths, and automatically restart jobs after each detected change.


The following project-level options are supported in the [tool.thx] table:

default: list[str]

When running thx without explicit job names, this option defines the default set of jobs that will be run. If not set and no jobs are requested, thx will output a list of known jobs, equivalent to running thx list.

python_versions: list[str]

This specifies the version matrix that thx will use when running jobs. If not specified, thx will default to using the live runtime, equivalent to running with thx --live.

requirements: list[str]

This specifies the list of dependency requirements files (relative to project root) that thx will use when initializing virtual environments. If not specified, thx will detect any files in the project root matching the glob requirements*.txt. Files must be usable by pip install -r.

watch_paths: list[str]

This specifies the list of paths (relative to project root) that will be watched for modifications when running thx in watch mode. If not specified, thx will default to watching the entire project root. Any paths matching the project root’s .gitignore will not trigger watch behavior, even if specified in watch_paths.


Jobs are defined in the [] table.

Simple jobs with a single step may be defined as a mapping of job name to the command:

test = "python -m unittest"

To configure any other options for the job, it must be defined as a table. Tables must be named like [], where name is the name of the job:

run = "python -m unittest -v"
show_output = true

Inline tables are also acceptable for jobs with a single step, though dedicated tables are generally preferred for readability:

format = {run="black project", once=true}

The following options are supported for each job:

once: bool = False

By default, thx will run jobs on all available versions in the configured python_versions matrix.

When set to True, thx will only run this job once, using the newest available version in the matrix.

parallel: bool = False

By default, thx will run all configured steps in sequence, with each step waiting for the previous step to complete successfully. If an individual step fails, later steps will not be run.

When set to True, thx will instead run all steps for this job in parallel, without waiting for previous steps to complete.

requires: list[str]

Any job names specified will be run before this job, even if they were not requested, or were requested after this job when invoked.

run: str | list[str]

The command or list of commands to run for this job. Commands may include standard Python “format string” templates, which will be substituted at runtime. See the Values section for details and examples.


Projects can define an arbitrary set of static values in the [tool.thx.values] table, which then get interpolated into all command strings at runtime.

For example, with the following configuration:

test = "python -m unittest {module}.tests"

module = "pizza"

When running this job, the executed command will look something like this:

python -m unittest pizza.tests